Cessna Model 310 and Turbo 310 Series 1969 thru 1974 Service Manual D872-13






Service Manual


Model 310 Series

has 925 pages
This Service Manual covers the 1969 through 1974 Model 310 and Turbo 310 Series
aircraft which are certificated as follows:
1969, 1970-1973, 1974
310P , 310Q, 310Q/310Q II
T310P , T310Q,  T310Q/T310Q II

Original: December 1970

Change 8: May 1974


1. General Information

2. Ground Handling, Servicing and Inspection

3. Airframe

4. Landing Gear and Brake System

5. Control Column, Aileron and Trim Control Systems

6. Elevator and Trim Control Systems

7. Rudder and Trim Control Systems

8. Flap Control System

9. Engine

10. Propeller System

11. Fuel System

12. Instruments and Related Systems

13. Utility and Optional Systems

14. Electrical Systems

15. Electronics Systems

16. Structural Repair

Additional information

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