Continental IO-240 Series Maintenance Manual X30621A


Continental IO-240


Maintenance Manual

for the

Continental IO-240 Series


has 220 pages long

September 1996

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Tools (Maintenance)
3. Approved Products
4. Airworthiness Limitations
5. Time Limits/Operational Insp./Troubleshooting
6. Unpacking/De-Inhibiting/Installation & Test
7. Servicing, Fluids
8. Engine Preservation and Storage
9. Standard Practices
10. Engine Maintenance
11. Exhaust System
12. Ignition System
13. Fuel Injection System
14. Induction System
15. Air Conditioning System
16. Electrical Charging System
17. Starter & Starter Adapter
18. Accessory Case
19. Lubrication System
20. Cylinder Assembly
21. Crankcase
22. Engine Drive Train
23. Post Maintenance Adjustment & Test

Additional information

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